Sunday, October 4, 2009


All 3 of our children love dogs but we never really considered getting one of our own. We never thought that when we would rent a house in Costa Rica, it would come with a dog that just can’t get enough “kid love”.

Manchas (“Spots” in Spanish) belongs to the family who owns the house that we are renting. His current official residence is one house over from us but Manchas insists on sleeping outside our backdoor like a guard dog. Today, when we were leaving the house, he even jumped inside the car next to the kids ready to go. We couldn’t take him and it broke our hearts to see him run after the car for around 2 KM. When we got back at the end of the day, there he was waiting.

As you know from previous posts, it hasn’t been easy for Léah lately and Manchas has surely provided some much needed dog therapy.